Corporate Finance Associates Worldwide Advises Precision Pully & Idler’s Acquisition of Continental Global Material Handling
Corporate Finance Associates Worldwide is pleased to announce that Precision Pulley & Idler has acquired Continental Global Material Handling, a portfolio company of Stellex Capital Management.
June 6, 2024, Los
Angeles, California - Corporate Finance Associates Worldwide ("CFAW") is
pleased to announce that Precision Pulley & Idler ("PPI") has acquired Continental Global Material Handling
("CGMH"), a portfolio company of Stellex Capital Management.
CFAW's Omaha office has been PPI's exclusive financial advisor since 2014
and represented PPI in this transaction, the ninth transaction CFAW has led for
PPI is an industry leader in conveying components, with over a million
square feet of manufacturing space across 25 global facilities. PPI is
committed to delivering high-quality products at competitive prices, coupled
with exceptional customer service. This commitment has been unwavering for over
forty years, serving a wide range of industries including aggregate, mining,
forestry, grain, unit handling, and food processing. PPI operates as the
industrial division of Precision, Inc.
CGMH has been a leader in bulk material handling since 1959. As a
manufacturer of essential conveyor components and bulk material handling
systems, CGMH is a trusted partner in the conveying industry. Supported by a
robust engineering team, CGMH develops widely recognized premium products,
delivering superior value compared to its competitors and serves leading
customers in resilient and emerging markets, including aggregates, coal,
copper, potash, salt, agriculture, transportation, and industrial sectors. CGMH
is a portfolio company of Stellex, a private equity firm with over $2.8 billion
in assets under management.
BrownWinick Law served as legal advisor to PPI.
For more information about CFAW or answers to questions regarding the firm's role in this transaction, please contact:
Jim Zipursky
Corporate Finance Associates Worldwide