How Do I Know It’s Time To Sell My Company?

How Do I Know It’s Time To Sell My Company?

By Robert Contaldo

November 23, 2011

Boy with SuitcaseSelling your business, which is perhaps your largest asset, can be a difficult decision. It has been part of you and part of your family. It has been good to you like an old friend. You have loved it – you have cursed it – you have nurtured it, you have seen it from birth through the teen years and into maturity. Unlike us, it can live for generations – though the time will come when it must change hands.

When the cycle of business and our personal circumstances begin to herald the transition, it should be addressed in order to realize the financial security for which it was created.

After 30 years of selling companies, I have found that it is near impossible to convince a business owner to sell until the business and personal reasons align. But once they do, no good ever comes from delaying a sale.

So – in the next few blog posts I will cover ten signs that it might be time to sell your business:

Sign #1 – The Thrill Is Gone

We all go through seasons in life. Young business owners focus on raising a family, planning for the future and striving for a financially secure retirement.  To that end, fighting the battles and making the sacrifices are necessary and expected as part of growing a business.  However, there comes a time when a business owner does not care to take the business any further. The battles and victories that at one time were energizing have now lost their importance, and have become somewhat boring and wearisome. The focus shifts to more time off, warmer weather, grandkids, or more leisure time activities.  Many business owners want to pursue a new direction in life that satisfies a greater personal or community need.


7 Step Guide to Business Exit Planning


Posted by Bob Contaldo.